988 Study Commission to Meet Tuesday, June 27 at 10 a.m.

The Study Commission on the 988 Comprehensive Behavioral Health Crisis Response System will be held Tuesday, June 27 at 10 a.m., as a virtual meeting conducted through Microsoft Teams.

The meeting will be publicly accessible through the following link: https://bit.ly/3Pz2WnE.

The Study Commission was created as a result of HB 732 during the 2022 Regular Session of the Mississippi Legislature. The commission’s goal includes assessing the statewide crisis response system and making recommendations to remove barriers to accessing behavioral health crisis services, adequately funding the crisis response services system and supporting sustainability of call centers, proposing strategies and supporting investment in new technology to triage calls, and more.

The commission is comprised of numerous state officials, including the Executive Director of the Department of Mental Health, the State Health Officer or the Deputy Director of the State Department of Health, the Chair of the Senate Public Health and Welfare Committee or a designee, the Chair of the House Public Health and Human Services Committee or a designee, and more. Additional representatives include those from public safety, law enforcement, public services, and other fields.

Click Here To Read HB 732



A recording of the june 27, 2023 meeting can be found below: