Public Records Requests

Please Note: Patient records are not considered public records. The DMH Central Office does not contain patient records. If you are seeking patient records or other information related to individuals served at a DMH behavioral health program or DMH IDD program, please contact that individual facility for more information. 

The public records policy of the Mississippi Department of Mental Health (DMH) has been adopted in accordance with the Mississippi Public Records Act of 1983, Section 25-61-1, et seq, Miss. Code Ann. (1972).

A request for information under the Mississippi Public Records Act of 1983 shall be submitted in writing to the Department of Mental Health. These requests can be sent to Adam Moore at or delivered to Suite 1101, Robert E. Lee Building, Jackson, Mississippi 39201.

All requests for information should be marked “Request for Public Documents” and shall describe in detail the documents sought. Where possible, file numbers, dates, county program, or the office where the requested documents are located shall be set forth in the request.

If the information is appropriate for release, information requested will be provided within seven (7) working days. If the requested information cannot be provided within seven (7) working days, the person requesting the information will be notified in writing of the approximate date of availability, which shall not exceed fourteen (14) working days.

If the request for information is denied, the person requesting the information will be notified of the reason of the denial.



 No request for information shall be granted until the fees have been received by the agency. Cost of reproduction of the requested information will be provided to the person making the request. The fees charged will be according to the following schedule:

  1. Twenty Dollars ($20.00) for pages one (1) through twenty (20);
  2. One Dollar ($1.00) per page for the next eighty (80) pages;
  3. Fifty Cents (50¢) per page for all pages thereafter.
  4. Ten percent (10%) of the total charge may be added for postage and handling.
  5. Fifteen Dollars ($15.00) may be recovered by the program or DMH for retrieving medical records in archives at a location off the premises where the program or DMH Central Office is located.
  6. Other material – cost determinant upon materials
  7. Records search – clerical, $7.50 per hour
  8. Records search – technical or professional, $20.00 per hour
  9. Records search – automated, $18.00 per hour

Fees will be charged for records searches even when the requested information cannot be found.

To make a request, please see the following Public Records Request Form:

Public Records Request Form