Procurement Opportunities

Questions & Answers

Bidders must carefully review procurement opportunities, the contract, risk management provisions, and all attachments for defects, questionable, or objectionable material. Following review, vendors may have questions to clarify or interpret the procurement opportunity in order to submit the best bid or proposal possible.  All questions and requests for clarifications must be directed as instructed in each document below by the specified deadline.

Please utilize the following document to submit questions: DMH questions-answers-template

Procurement Opportunities


Intent to Award - 988 Crisis Training Consultant Services

Responses were evaluated according to the criteria stated in the solicitation. We announce our intent to award a contract to the following vendor which may be contingent upon approval by the Public Procurement Review Board:

  • Health Management Associates Lansing, MI
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Intent to Award - 988 Project Director

Notice of Intent to Award – Project Director

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Intent to Award - 988 Project Evaluator and Operations Coordinator

Notice of Intent to Award – 988 Project Evaluator and Operations Coordinator

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June 28, 2024

Legal Notice:  Letters will be received by Lisa C. Wallace, Contracts Coordinator, Mississippi Department of Mental Health, 239 N Lamar Street, Suite 1104, Jackson, MS 39201, up to and not later than 9:00 A.M. CST, Monday, July 22, 2024, for the following services and/or goods:  Sole Source Mental Health First Aid Safety Training Trainer RFx 3150005772. The letters will be opened and read on Monday, July 22, 2024, at 10:00 A.M. CST. RFx documents and/or information may be obtained from Lisa Wallace, Contracts Coordinator at 239 N Lamar Street, Suite 11104, Jackson, MS 39201, (601) 351-6518, or The Department of Mental Health reserves the right to waive minor informalities and to reject any and all offers. The Department of Mental Health also reserves the right to amend specifications or change the opening date upon reasonable notice to all who are known to have examined or requested a copy of the specifications from the designated authority.

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June 28, 2024

Legal Notice:  Letters will be received by Lisa C. Wallace, Contracts Coordinator, Mississippi Department of Mental Health, 239 N Lamar Street, Suite 1104, Jackson, MS 39201, up to and not later than 9:00 A.M. CST, Monday, July 22, 2024, for the following services and/or goods:  Sole Source Mental Health First Aid Safety Training Materials RFx 3150005783. The letters will be opened and read on Monday, July 22, 2024, at 10:00 A.M. CST. RFx documents and/or information may be obtained from Lisa Wallace, Contracts Coordinator at 239 N Lamar Street, Suite 11104, Jackson, MS 39201, (601) 351-6518, or The Department of Mental Health reserves the right to waive minor informalities and to reject any and all offers. The Department of Mental Health also reserves the right to amend specifications or change the opening date upon reasonable notice to all who are known to have examined or requested a copy of the specifications from the designated authority.

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Sole Source Sequential Intercept Model Mapping Facilitator Trainer
March 25, 2024

Legal Notice: Letters will be received by Lisa C. Wallace, Contracts Coordinator, Mississippi Department of Mental Health, 239 N Lamar Street, Suite 1104, Jackson, MS 39201, up to and not later than 9:00 A.M. CST, Monday, April 15, 2024, for the following services and/or goods: Sole Source Sequential Intercept Model Mapping Facilitator Trainer RFPX 3150005601. The letters will be opened and read on Monday, April 15, 2024, at 10:00 A.M. CST. RFx documents and/or information may be obtained from Lisa Wallace, Contracts Coordinator at 239 N Lamar Street, Suite 11104, Jackson, MS 39201, (601) 351-6518, or The Department of Mental Health reserves the right to waive minor informalities and to reject any and all offers. The Department of Mental Health also reserves the right to amend specifications or change the opening date upon reasonable notice to all who are known to have examined or requested a copy of the specifications from the designated authority.

Click here to view.

Please note the attached file contains the MOU between DMH and Policy Research Associates, as well as the sole source determination letters and other documentation. 

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RFP for IDD Crisis Training - w/ Amendment 1
February 16, 2024

Legal Notice: The Mississippi Department of Mental Health is now accepting Sealed Proposals for the following services and/or goods: IDD Training Services (RFP: 3140003764). The sealed proposal will be opened on Monday, March 18, 2024, at 10:00 A.M. CST. Sealed Proposals will be received by Lisa Wallace, Contracts Coordinator, Mississippi Department of Mental Health, 239 N Lamar Street, Suite 1104, Jackson, MS 39201, up to and not later than 9:00 A.M. CST, Monday, March 18, 2024. RFP documents and/or information may be obtained from Lisa Wallace, Contracts Coordinator at 239 N Lamar Street, Suite 11104, Jackson, MS 39201, (601) 351-6518, or The Department of Mental Health reserves the right to waive minor informalities and to reject any and all offers. The Department of Mental Health also reserves the right to amend specifications or change the opening date upon reasonable notice to all who are known to have examined or requested a copy of the specifications from the designated authority.

Click Here to View Amendment 1 to this RFP.

Click here for the RFP-RFQ IDD Crisis Training Evaluation Report.

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Statewide Fentanyl and Drug Abuse Education, Prevention and Cessation Program Grant FOA
November 20, 2023

The Mississippi Department of Mental Health (DMH) is now accepting application for a competitive subgrant funding opportunity made available through funding appropriated to the agency.  Information may be obtained from Courtney Littleton, Division Director of Outreach and Training at 239 N Lamar Street, Jackson, MS 39201, (601) 359-6268, or Due Date: December 8th, 2023.

Click here for the electronic submission form.

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IFB for 988 Billboard Advertisement - w/ Amendment 2
October 20, 2023

Notice of Intent to Award Letter – 988 Billboard Advertisement

This amendment for the above referenced RFX includes replacement of the original Invitation for Sealed Bids and all attachments/exhibits. The changes included multiple formatting and clerical modifications, none of which are substantive to the procurement, and includes a few substantive changes as outlined below:
• The date bids are due is changed to January 4, 2024, at 9:00 A.M. to allow time for responses, due to a clarification of the description of services to be provided and evaluation terms.

• The estimated start date of this contract will be January 15, 2024, and has been included in section “3” on Page 2.

• The description of services to be provided has been revised in Attachment A-Section D on Page 10-11.

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RFP for 988 Consultant
(Amended October 18, 2023)

Legal Notice: Sealed Bids will be received by Lisa Wallace, Contracts Coordinator, Mississippi Department of Mental Health, 239 N Lamar Street, Suite 1104, Jackson, MS 39201 deadline for submission regarding clarifications submitted by prospective offerors is changed from 7 days to 10 working day. Sealed bids for the following services and/or goods: 988 Consultant Services (RFP: 3150005244 Amendment 1) will be opened and read on Monday, November 6, 2023, at 10:00 A.M. CST. RFP documents and/or information may be obtained from Lisa Wallace, Contracts Coordinator at 239 N Lamar Street, Suite 11104, Jackson, MS 39201, (601) 351-6518, or The Department of Mental Health reserves the right to waive minor informalities and to reject any and all offers. The Department of Mental Health also reserves the right to amend specifications or change the opening date upon reasonable notice to all who are known to have examined or requested a copy of the specifications from the designated authority.

Click here for the RFP-RFQ 988 Consultant Services Evaluation Report

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988 Crisis Training Consultant
October 6, 2023

Legal Notice: Sealed Bids will be received by Lisa Wallace, Contracts Coordinator, Mississippi Department of Mental Health, 239 N Lamar Street, Suite 1104, Jackson, MS 39201, up to and not later than 9:00 A.M. CST, Monday, November 27, 2023, for the following services and/or goods: 988 Crisis Training Consultant Services (RFx RFP: 3150005256). The sealed bids will be opened and read on Monday, November 27, 2023, at 10:00 A.M. CST. RFP documents and/or information may be obtained from Lisa Wallace, Contracts Coordinator at 239 N Lamar Street, Suite 11104, Jackson, MS 39201, (601) 351-6518, or The Department of Mental Health reserves the right to waive minor informalities and to reject any and all offers. The Department of Mental Health also reserves the right to amend specifications or change the opening date upon reasonable notice to all who are known to have examined or requested a copy of the specifications from the designated authority.

Click here for the RFP-RFQ 988 Crisis Training Evaluation Report

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State Opioid Response III Grant FOA
September 22, 2023

The Mississippi Department of Mental Health (DMH) is pleased to announce the availability of competitive subgrant funding made available by State Opioid Response (SOR) III discretionary grant funding. FOA documents and/or information may be obtained from Maggie Roberts, MPA Project Director at 239 N Lamar Street, Suite 11104, Jackson, MS 39201, (601) 359-6221, or Application Due Date: October 6th, 2023.

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RFP for 988 Consultant
September 22, 2023

Legal Notice: Sealed Bids will be received by Lisa Wallace, Contracts Coordinator, Mississippi Department of Mental Health, 239 N Lamar Street, Suite 1104, Jackson, MS 39201, up to and not later than 10:00 A.M. CST, Monday, November 6, 2023, for the following services and/or goods: 988 Consultant Services (RFP: 3150005244). The sealed bids will be opened and read on Monday, November 6, 2023, at 10:00 A.M. CST. RFP documents and/or information may be obtained from Lisa Wallace, Contracts Coordinator at 239 N Lamar Street, Suite 11104, Jackson, MS 39201, (601) 351-6518, or The Department of Mental Health reserves the right to waive minor informalities and to reject any and all offers. The Department of Mental Health also reserves the right to amend specifications or change the opening date upon reasonable notice to all who are known to have examined or requested a copy of the specifications from the designated authority. The attached file includes a sample contract. 

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RFP for IDD Crisis Training
September 22, 2023

Legal Notice: Sealed Bids will be received by Lisa Wallace, Contracts Coordinator, Mississippi Department of Mental Health, 239 N Lamar Street, Suite 1104, Jackson, MS 39201, up to and not later than 11:00 A.M. CST, Monday, November 6, 2023, for the following services and/or goods: IDD Training Services (RFP: 3150005210). The sealed bids will be opened and read on Monday, November 6, 2023, at 11:00 A.M. CST. RFP documents and/or information may be obtained from Lisa Wallace, Contracts Coordinator at 239 N Lamar Street, Suite 11104, Jackson, MS 39201, (601) 351-6518, or The Department of Mental Health reserves the right to waive minor informalities and to reject any and all offers. The Department of Mental Health also reserves the right to amend specifications or change the opening date upon reasonable notice to all who are known to have examined or requested a copy of the specifications from the designated authority. The attached file includes a sample contract. 

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IFB for 988 Project Evaluator
September 8, 2023 (Amended Oct. 5, 2023)

Legal Notice:  Sealed Bids will be received by Lisa Wallace, Contracts Coordinator, Mississippi Department of Mental Health, 239 N Lamar Street, Suite 1104, Jackson, MS 39201, up to and not later than 9:00 A.M. CST, Monday, October 9, 2023, for the following services and/or goods: 988 Project Evaluator Services (RFX: 3160006135). The sealed bids will be opened and read on Monday, October 9, 2023, at 10:00 A.M. CST. IFB documents and/or information may be obtained from Lisa Wallace, Contracts Coordinator at 239 N Lamar Street, Suite 11104, Jackson, MS 39201, (601) 351-6518, or The Department of Mental Health reserves the right to waive minor informalities and to reject any and all offers. The Department of Mental Health also reserves the right to amend specifications or change the opening date upon reasonable notice to all who are known to have examined or requested a copy of the specifications from the designated authority. The attached file includes a sample contract. 

Amendment 1 Posted Oct. 5, 2023 – The attached file has been amended from its original posting.

Notice of Intent to Award – Posted 12/15/23

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Crisis Stabilization Services for Children and Youth
July 12, 2023

Crisis Stabilization Services are time-limited residential treatment services provided in a Crisis Stabilization Unit (CSU). CSUs provide psychiatric supervision, nursing services, structured therapeutic activities and intensive psychotherapy (individual, family and/or group) to children and youth ages 6-18 who are experiencing a period of acute psychiatric distress which severely impairs their ability to cope with normal life circumstances. Crisis Stabilization Services must be designed to prevent civil commitment and/or longer term inpatient psychiatric hospitalization by addressing acute symptoms, distress, and further decompensation.

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Crisis Diversion IDD-SMI Home Competitive RFP
June 12, 2023

The Crisis Diversion Home is a program that supports up to four (4) individuals with a primary diagnosis of IDD, twenty-four hours per day, seven days per week, who are either in crisis or at risk of being in crisis. Many times, this crisis occurs because a person has exhausted their current living arrangements and no place to live. Please note that all grants are contingent on the funding by the Mississippi State Legislature and/or the Federal Government. The submission of this application to the Department of Mental Health is not a guarantee of funding. Fiscal Year 2024 data will be monitored and evaluated on a monthly basis. Please note that the expectation is Fiscal Year 2024 data will be published on the DMH website. Deadline to apply is June 26, 2023. 

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Bureau of Behavioral Health FY 2024 Request for Funding Applications
May 11, 2023

The Mississippi Department of Mental Health is now accepting applications for series of competitive grants made available through funding appropriated to the agency. Each Request for Funding Application (RFA) is available as a PDF linked here. Only DMH Certified Providers are eligible to apply for the posted RFA opportunities.

General questions may be sent to Dr. Mallory Malkin, Chief Clinical Officer, Bureau of Behavioral Health Services at For specific RFA questions please contact the listed staff person on each respective RFA posting. Each RFA has a staff point of contact noted at the top of the announcement along with the PowerForm Link that is necessary for submission.

The Download Details button below provides detailed instructions for submitting an application. Find all of these opportunities by clicking here.

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Stand Up, Mississippi Communication Campaign for Opioid Awareness

The MS Department of Mental Health is seeking to establish a contract for a Comprehensive Communications Campaign for Opioid Awareness. The communications consultant engaged for providing the marketing campaign described herein will assist DMH and the key partner organizations of Stand Up, Mississippi by soliciting and securing media buysfor digital, television, radio, outdoor, and print media statewide using specific messaging developed for Stand Up, Mississippi by their creative design firm. The primary goals of this effort are to improve public perception of people dealing with substance use disorder, strengthen policies for prevention and treatment, and promote statewide partnerships to combat the opioid crisis in Mississippi.

Update – Click here for the Notice of Intent to Award.

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HIV-AIDS Media Campaign

The selected Media Firm will join in collaboration with the Department of Mental Health (DMH) and the Department of Health (DOH) in their efforts to end the HIV/AIDS epidemic in Mississippi. The selected
media firm will be expected to carry out multiple deliverables for a campaign related to outreach for HIV services in Mississippi.  Quote Submission Deadline: November 29, 2022 10:00 a.m. CST. 

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Compliance and Fidelity Assessor

This funding is intended to support compliance and fidelity assessments, reports and/or technical assistance to Department of Mental Health Certified Providers providing peer support and/or recovery support services. Compliance and Fidelity Assessor will utilize Evaluating Your Program assessment tools derived from the Illness Management and Recovery Knowledge Informing Transformation (KIT). This KIT is part of a series of Evidence-Based Practices KITs created by the Center for Mental Health Services, Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration, U.S. Department of Health and Human Services.

Due Date: October 14, 2022

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Resiliency Taskforce Services

The Resiliency Taskforce Services team will be composed of Forensic Peer Support and Peer Wellness Support staff. This service team primary focus will be on two projects:

  • Forensic Peer Recovery Support Services- designed to enhance the capacity of Certified Peer Support Specialists to fulfill a serious gap in supportive services for justice involved individuals.
  • Peer Respite Wellness Services- tasked with promoting a more effective, humane, and cost-efficient approach to treating mental and/or behavioral health issues through non-clinical services.

Due Date: October 14, 2022

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Crisis Diversion IDD/SMI Home ARPA Competitive Grant
(Posted 7/1/2022)

The Crisis Diversion Home is a short term (6 months or less) crisis transition home for males or females. Referrals can come from the Specialized Planning, Options to Transition (SPOT) Team or any other place; however, DMH’s Branch of Coordinated Care (BCC) must approve all admissions. Residents must be 18 years of age, and not currently on the IDD Waiver.

DMH/BCC is now accepting ARPA funding applications. Opportunity is open for DMH certified providers only for the state fiscal year 2023. The rate for the Crisis Diversion Home is $302.23 per bed per day, total of 4 beds. However, for individual’s that require one-on-one supervision, a rate of $465 may be used with approval from BCC. Total budget is $441,255.80

Due Date: July 22, 2022

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Peer Respite Wellness Services
(Posted 7/1/2022)

Peer respites are voluntary, short-term, overnight programs that provide community-based, non-clinical crisis support to help individuals experiencing, or at risk of experiencing, a mental or behavioral health crisis find new understanding and ways to move forward. These programs serve as voluntary alternatives to the emergency department and other crisis services staffed and operated by peers with lived experience of mental or behavioral health issues.

Peer respites must meet three criteria in order to be deemed a peer respite: (1) the respite must be 100% staffed by people with lived experience of extreme states and/or the behavioral health system; (2) all leaders in the peer respite must have lived experience; and (3) the program must be operated by either (a) a peer-run organization or (b) an advisory group where at least 51% of the members have lived experience (Legislative
Analysis and Public Policy Association, 2021).

Note: The PDF linked here includes two attachments in the form of Excel files that are available when downloading the PDF and viewing it with Adobe Acrobat.

Due Date: July 22, 2022. Edit: The RFP due date has been changed to July 29, 2022.

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Crisis Diversion Home for Youth Funding Opportunity
(Posted 7/1/2022)

The Crisis Diversion Home is a short term (9 months or less) crisis transition home for males or females. The Crisis Diversion Home for youth will support four (4) male or four (4) female youth, ages 13-18 years who have a serious emotional disturbance. In addition to having an SED, youth with a moderate or above moderate Intellectual/Developmental Disability may be admitted. Referrals to this home come from multiple sources but must be reviewed by the Specialized Planning, Options to Transition Team (SPOTT) or the State Level Case Review Team (SLCRT) prior to admission.

SPOTT and SCLRT have priority regarding admissions when there are vacancies. The home will support these youth twenty-four hours per day, seven days per week, who are either in crisis or at risk of being in crisis. Many times, this crisis occurs because the youth has exhausted their resources and support from Parent/Caregivers.

Due Date: July 22, 2022, by 5:00 p.m.

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Shatter the Silence: Suicide - The Secret You Shouldn't Keep
(Posted 6/20/22)

While DMH shoulders significant responsibility for implementing the outreach efforts, numerous agencies and organizations serve as invaluable partners in the efforts Shatter the Silence: Suicide—The Secret You Shouldn’t Keep (STS), a statewide suicide prevention awareness campaign. The consultant selected will assist DMH in the awareness campaign through the activities described herein. The campaign goal is to continue the awareness efforts and increase the knowledge of suicide prevention. The targeted audiences for this contract shall be youth ages 10-18. To submit a quote for this contract, please submit your signed quote on letterhead directly to Toni Johnson at the Department of Mental Health, 239 North Lamar St., Jackson, MS 39201 or via email at by 10:00 A.M. CST on Wednesday, July 6, 2022. Quotes received after this date and time will not be considered.

7/29/22: The Mississippi Department of Mental Health has completed our review of the interested respondents to this RFQ. The Shatter the Silence Awareness Campaign has been awarded to Fresh Press Creative, LLC dba Creative Distillery, 3000 Old Canton Rd. Suite 455, Jackson, MS 39216.

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Project Evaluation Services for Mississippi’s Project to Build Local 988 Capacity Supplement Grant Funds
(Posted 6/6/22)

The Mississippi Department of Mental Health (DMH) seeks an independent contractor to provide ongoing project evaluation services for a project to Build Local 988 Capacity. DMH is utilizing competitive sealed Request for Qualifications (RFQ) to request and obtain Statements of Qualifications (SOQs) from interested parties. DMH is seeking the best combination of price, experience, and quality of service. The Project Evaluator will oversee project data collection, management, analysis, and storage to evaluate the effectiveness of our program and to identify opportunities for improvement. The program evaluator helps supervise, hire, and train staff that aid with the evaluation. Lastly, they are responsible for preparing reports for the co-directors, who interface with SAMHSA. Submission Deadline: June 21, 2022. 

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Request for Proposals – Consumer Satisfaction Survey
(Posted 5/17/2022)

The Bureau of Behavioral Health Services is responsible for the administration of state and federal funds utilized to develop, implement, and expand a comprehensive continuum of services for adults with serious mental illness and children with serious emotional disturbance. This includes crisis response as well as access to care and training to assist with the care and treatment of persons with Alzheimer’s disease/other dementia. DMH seeks to contract with a single vendor to assist the Bureau of Behavioral Health Services by conducting the Mississippi Department of Mental Health Consumer Satisfaction Survey to fulfill requirements of the Community Mental Health Services Block Grant (MHBG) award. A signed quote must be submitted on letterhead directly to Toni Johnson via email at by 10:00 A.M. CST on Wednesday, June 1, 2022.

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Request for Proposals – Outreach and Awareness Campaign for the NAVIGATE Program
(Posted 4/6/22)
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Notice of Intent to Award – Outreach and Awareness Campaign for the NAVIGATE Program
(Posted 4/27/22)

The Mississippi Department of Mental Health (DMH) seeks an independent contractor to develop an outreach and awareness campaign to increase knowledge of the NAVIGATE program’s services among entities such as high schools, community colleges, universities, emergency departments, primary care physicians, parents, and caregivers who frequently interact with individuals ages 15-30 that have experienced first episode psychosis in the state of Mississippi. DMH is utilizing competitive sealed Request for Proposals (RFP) to request and obtain proposals from interested parties. DMH is seeking the best combination of qualifications, related experience, and prosed plan for providing the requested services. All submissions must be received by the Mississippi Department of Mental Health by 4 p.m. CST on April 19, 2022. Proposals received after the specified time may be rejected and returned to the offeror unopened.

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Request for Proposals – Outreach and and Awareness Campaign for the NAVIGATE Program
(Posted 3/11/22)

The agency did not receive responses that were considered responsive and responsible for provided all of the outreach and awareness services being procured. This RFP has been cancelled and a new one issued.
The Mississippi Department of Mental Health (DMH) seeks an independent contractor to develop an outreach and awareness campaign to increase knowledge of the NAVIGATE program’s services among entities such as high schools, community colleges, universities, emergency departments, primary care physicians, parents, and caregivers who frequently interact with individuals ages 15-30 that have experienced first episode psychosis in the state of Mississippi. DMH is utilizing competitive sealed Request for Proposals (RFP) to request and obtain proposals from interested parties. DMH is seeking the best combination of qualifications, related experience, and prosed plan for providing the requested services. All submissions must be received by the Mississippi Department of Mental Health by 4:00 p.m. CST on Friday, March 25, 2022. Proposals received after the specified time may be rejected and returned to the offeror unopened.

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Request for Proposals Outreach and Awareness Campaign for the NAVIGATE Program
(posted 2/17/22)

The agency did not receive any responses for this RFP.
The Mississippi Department of Mental Health (DMH) seeks an independent contractor to develop an outreach and awareness campaign to increase knowledge of the NAVIGATE program’s services among entities such as high schools, community colleges, universities, emergency departments, primary care physicians, parents, and caregivers who frequently interact with individuals ages 15-30 that have experienced first episode psychosis in the state of Mississippi. DMH is utilizing competitive sealed Request for Proposals (RFP) to request and obtain proposals from interested parties. DMH is seeking the best combination of qualifications, related experience, and prosed plan for providing the requested services. All submissions must be received by the Mississippi Department of Mental Health by 4:00 p.m. CST on Tuesday, March 8, 2022. Proposals received after the specified time may be rejected and returned to the offeror unopened. Address all submissions to:

Mississippi Department of Mental Health
Attention: Toni Johnson
239 North Lamar Street, Suite 1102
Jackson, MS 39201

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Request for Qualifications – Project Evaluation Services for Mississippi’s Response to COVID-19 Supplement Grant Funds
(Posted 1/3/22)

The Mississippi Department of Mental Health (DMH) seeks an independent contractor to provide ongoing project evaluation services for Mississippi’s Emergency Response to COVID19 (MERC-19) project. DMH is utilizing competitive sealed Request for Qualifications (RFQ) to request and obtain Statements of Qualifications (SOQs) from interested parties. DMH is seeking the best combination of price, experience, and quality of service. All submissions must be received by the Mississippi Department of Mental Health by 4:00 p.m. CST on Wednesday, January 19, 2022. SOQs received after the specified time may be rejected and returned to the offeror unopened. Address all submissions to:
Mississippi Department of Mental Health
Attention: Toni Johnson
239 North Lamar Street, Suite 1102
Jackson, MS 39201

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Request for Qualifications – Mississippi Department of Mental Health 988 Implementation Planning Consultant
(Posted 1/3/22)

In July 2022, 988 will become the national three-digit dialing code for the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline, to provide free and confidential emotional support to people in suicidal crisis or emotional distress. DMH is soliciting quotes from qualified consultants with a past record of performance necessary to provide consultation and expertise to the agency for the continued development and implementation of coordination, capacity, funding, and communication strategies for the launching of 988 in our state. The consultant will provide expertise and consultation to the Department of Mental Health, stakeholders, and Planning Coalition regarding best practices for 988 implementation and linkage of 988 and the crisis system. Submit your signed Statement of Qualifications on letterhead directly to Toni Johnson at the Department of Mental Health, 239 North Lamar St., Jackson, MS 39201 or via email at by 4:00 P.M. CST on Wednesday, January 19, 2022. Quotes received after this date and time will not be considered.

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Invitation for Bids – Behind the Mask Outreach and Awareness Campaign

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